Fun and educational for both dog and human
What is Hoopers? Hoopers is a great fun new sport that welcomes all dogs of any age and any breed. The dogs navigate a course of hoops, tunnels and barrels with the same pace and excitement of agility without any sharp turns or stops and free flowing courses making it accessible for all. Helping to build teamwork this low impact fun sport is open to all ages and breeds with progress levels up for achievement. The minimum requirement is a basic level of training where the dog can work off lead and has a recall. As a Canine Hoopers World Instructor and Progress level Assessor I can offer much to aim for. The booking process is simple…. A brief phone consultation to discuss your dog and requirements, followed by a registration form and payment details to secure your booking. For new clients wanting a block booking, I’d advise a single session to begin and if the further 3 are still required these can be booked with the discount.